Sentmom's Blog

October 4, 2019

The Music of Life

Filed under: religious — by sentmom @ 2:21 pm
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We were shopping at a second hand store for very essential items like pots and pans when the piano caught our eye. It was a spinnet piano that looked well used but serviceable. Fearing how bad it would sound, I asked my daughter to play a few notes. The sounds were true and faithful. In a moment we forgot pots and pans and were sitting at the piano wishing it could sit in our home, an instrument to be used for God’s glory and our own enrichment. The owners of the thrift shop were glad to let us have the used piano for a very modest price, and it did come to sit in our home. It was used to praise God for the church met in our home. My daughter learned to make the notes into melodies, how to play it even more skillfully. It traveled with us to Guatemala and was played by my children and the many guests who came to our house. We relaxed learning new songs, dreamed singing Disney songs, and sang praises in sweet fellowship in both Spanish and English. As the years passed the piano lost some of its fine tuning, and the strings stretched from moves and climate. My daughter went away to college to study music, thanks in part to our friend the piano. It was faithfully packed up when we retired and returned to the states. A year of stress and change led to neglect of our musical instrument. My daughter married, my son graduated and we moved and left the piano in storage. But there was still blessings in that instrument. My husband moved it out of storage and took the piano to a new home, to be loved and used by our daughter and her husband to praise Him, but also to teach young ones how to love music and use it for His glory. My daughter still plays the old friend, still uses it to honor Her God. Yes the notes are not as finely tuned as they once were, and there are even more dents on the shiny wooden surface than the day we first saw it in the thrift store. But our friend the piano has fulfilled all the dreams I had that day in the thrift shop when my daughter and I first played its notes.

Life brings all kinds of changes and stresses, times of blessing and bounty, times of fellowship and hardship. But if God can use an inanimate object like a piano to bring Him honor and bless a family for generations, don’t you think He can use us too?

Luke 11: 10-13

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